Senin, 26 September 2016

The third task of the English language courses

Two things that you have to tring everywhere you go

Name                                : Fransiskus
Nim                                     : D1021161038
Faculties/Departments  : Engineering/Electro

two things that I bring every time is !!!
The first item that I bring every time is Hp, because Hp is an important item for the life of me daily, especially for communicating with family and with my friends, in addition to communicating Hp is also in use for my other, to see time / clock, take pictures, and many other things that could use Hp, let alone me away from parents or family in the area, especially in Bengkayang city if I again ran out of money or materials to cook in my residence in Pontianak city, certainly I contacted them in the use of Hp, so importance Hp for me, without Hp I could not communicate directly with my family and friends.

     for the second item that every time I drive is a wallet,because wallet one item that is important to me, their use is very large, namely to store an identification card, the card is another important addition to the money, on the other hand the wallet also can say as goods equipment to increase style or looks, as if the purse is still a lot of the contents of money surely styles there are differences of the contents of the wallet were empty, but now there is no term with the contents of the wallet, because today a wallet mostly handing his content is empty, for fear happening things that not in want, such as stolen or the other.
so his conclusions from the two items that I often take any time away is, the goods are very important for me.
Thank you.

264 word count

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