Rabu, 16 November 2016

Your karoeke song and why

Your karoeke song and why

     What if you never sing a song for the parents, relatives or your friends? If it's me, I've never
been because I still have not heard or get a song that tells of the struggle of two parents and
most I had heard it was about love, friendship, for mothers and for fathers but the song that
tells about a mother and we say a father or a combination of both her two does not yet exist.
Therefore, I think to create the song to tell the two struggle to my parents. For this time the
song karoeke that be my choice is the song ”Ibu” of albums Iwan Fals

  and "Ayah"  of her album Ebiet g ade artist Indonesia, because the meaning of the song is very large,
meaning in this song tells about the struggles and their affection for the children of its , that
is so great love of the parents.
 From the meaning of the meaning of her that makes me
prefer to two songs and two songs are on my spirit when you hear its song because when I
heard the song I thought with two of my parents because my parents who made me to eager
to do any daily activities. Quite a story here or any notice of my selection of karaoke songs,
there will probably be his time again to be told again. Thank you for reading my Francis
farewell, until we meet again.


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